Comparing Of Mice and Men and The Green Mile
If you are looking for a great film pairing for Of Mice and Men, consider showing your students the film “The Green Mile”. While it’s a bit mature for some ages (I recommend high school or older), there are so many thematic and content parallels between the two works.
As my students watch the film, I first have them look for character parallels between the characters: Lennie and John, George and Paul, and Curley and Purcey. While somewhat different, each of these character pairings allow students to explore characterization while looking for similarities and differences.
I also have students explore different relationships in the works. Each work focuses on close male friendships between George and Lennie and Paul and John. This is a great chance for students to explore the dynamics of each friendship and make some comparisons or contracts.
There are several themes that emerge in both works that provide opportunities for students to compare. For example, both works explore the following:
- Messages of how society treats people who are labeled as different. For example, these people are discriminated against for having a disability (either mental or physical).
- Stereotypes society gives to people (men specifically).
- Natural selection (survival of the fittest).
I have students summarize each and also consider the author’s purpose for each of the above themes.
Finally, one other obvious parallel is the death of one of the main characters. Students can discuss the impact of Lenny and John’s deaths and two readers reconcile them in context of the larger work.
Comparing Fahrenheit 451 to Footloose

Another fun film pairing I love to use is with Fahrenheit 451 and “Footloose”. There are so many characterization and thematic similarities between the two works. My students LOVE watching the class “Footloose” film and are always surprised when they learn how many comparisons there are to Fahrenheit 451!
As my students watch the film, I first have them look for character parallels between the characters: Guy Montag to Reverend Moore. Specifically, I have students compare where they started at the beginning of the novel/film, what led to their change in beliefs or behaviors, and what actions they ultimately take to demonstrate those changes.
Another great exploration and comparison of characters is with Guy Montag and Ren McCormack. They’ll investigate what motivates the men to become activists and the results of their brave actions.
Students will also compare Ren McCormack to Faber. They can track how their previous experiences and how they influences other character(s). Finally, students will compare and contrast Ariel Moore to Clarisse McClellan. They will consider both characters initial initial resistance to the established norms of their society (prior to meeting the main character) and their influence on the ideas/actions of the main character.
Another key comparison between both works is the Biblical allusion of Ecclesiastes at the end of the novel and film. Students will explore the meaning and use of the passage and compare the impact of that allusion in each work.
Comparing Curious Incident of a Dog in the Nighttime with Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

An unexpected, but excellent film pairing I love to use is with Curious Incident of a Dog in the Nighttime and and “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close”. Both of these contemporary works have numerous parallels with characterization, plot, and thematic development.
Despite the fact that the film is a tear-jerker, but students are amazing at the many ways Oskar and Christopher’s story lines, behaviors, and themes parallel each other.
As my students watch the film, I first have them look for character parallels between the characters: Oskar and Christopher. Both boys have a goal of uncovering some type of mystery. Oskar is trying to unravel the source of the key, While Christopher is trying to determine who killed Wellington.
In addition, students are able to find similarities between the complex relationships both boys have with their fathers and how each boy copes with tragic moments of conflict and loss. In addition, it’s interesting to note the limited role of their mother’s in their lives and how this impacts them as characters.
There are so many themes and symbols that emerge for students to compare and contrast as they view the film. Here are just a few to look for:
- Lying
- The significance of death
- Use of mathematical equations to solve the mystery
- The role of love in each work
- Heroism and coming of age
These are just some of the many ways in which these two contemporary works are similar!

Comparing Huckleberry Finn and The Cure
One unique film pairing I use is with Huckleberry Finn and a sweet film called The Cure. Both works give students a chance to make comparisons between characterization, plot, and thematic development.
As my students watch the film, I first have them look for character parallels between the characters: Huck and Erik, Jim, and Dexter, and Pap and Erik’s mom. Each of the character pairings show similarities in behaviors, motivations, and goals.
In addition, both works demonstrate the theme of freedom. Students are able to trace the theme in both works and make some comparisons. In addition, there are a few symbols that appear in both works the river and shore, as well as the shoe.
These are just some of the many ways in which these two contemporary works are similar!

Comparing Nickel and Dimed and Pursuit of Happiness
A fun film parting does isn’t necessarily obvious is Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Enrenhreich and “Pursuit of Happiness”. Both works give students a chance to make comparisons between characterization, plot, and thematic development.
There are so many parallels between the issues and ideas introduced in Nickel and Dimed that are similar to “Pursuit of Happiness”. For example, both works explore the idea of low-income housing and the impact on the characters in each work.
As students watch the film, I have them trace how the issues of minimum wage, unequal educational opportunities, and the “hidden” or “special costs” impact people living on minimum age.
Another key idea that students can explore in both works in the concept of achieving the American Dream. Students can track the idea of whether everyone can equally and realistically achieve the American Dream, citing specific examples from each work.
These are just some of the many ways in which these two contemporary works are similar!