How I end my year: 70+ Journalism Awards


As the school year draws to a close, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the hard work, dedication, and creativity your journalism students have demonstrated throughout the year. One of the most effective and enjoyable ways to celebrate their accomplishments is by giving out personalized awards. These awards not only recognize their achievements but also motivate them to continue pursuing excellence in journalism. Here’s how you can make your end-of-the-year celebrations memorable with fun, personalized journalism awards that are perfect for students of all ages.

The Value of Celebrating Your Students

Celebrating your students is more than just a way to mark the end of the academic year; it’s an opportunity to acknowledge their growth, dedication, and unique contributions. Here are a few reasons why celebrating your students is so valuable:

  1. Boosts Morale and Motivation: Recognizing students’ efforts and achievements boosts their morale and encourages them to continue striving for excellence.

  2. Builds Confidence: Receiving an award can significantly enhance a student’s self-esteem and confidence, particularly in their abilities as a journalist.

  3. Encourages Positive Behavior: Awards can reinforce positive behaviors and skills, such as teamwork, creativity, and ethical journalism.

  4. Fosters a Sense of Community: Celebrating together fosters a sense of camaraderie and belonging among students, creating a supportive and collaborative learning environment.

  5. Highlights Individual Strengths: Personalized awards highlight each student’s unique strengths and contributions, making them feel valued and appreciated.

Ideas for Journalism Awards

Help your students stand out with these graphically appealing end-of-the-year journalism awards, perfect for any multimedia journalism or yearbook class. These editable certificates allow you to recognize and personalize your students’ skills, individual contributions, and successes.

Professional Journalist Awards

The Professional Journalist Awards pack includes 30 editable certificates, each named after a noteworthy journalist and detailing their accomplishments. This not only honors your students but also educates them about influential figures in journalism. Categories include:

  • News: Recognize students who excel in reporting and writing news articles.
  • Editorial: Award those who have shown outstanding editorial skills and critical thinking.
  • Broadcast: Celebrate students who have shined in video and audio journalism.
  • Sports: Acknowledge the efforts of sports reporters and photographers.
  • Review: Highlight students who have written exceptional reviews on various topics.
  • Photography: Honor those with an eye for capturing compelling images.

Each certificate can be personalized with the student’s name, making it a meaningful keepsake.

Most Likely To…

This pack includes 25 editable certificates, each with a fun and imaginative category. These awards encourage students to dream big and envision their future in journalism. Examples include:

  • “Most Likely to Interview a Celebrity”
  • “Most Likely to Win a Pulitzer Prize”
  • “Most Likely to Start a Media Company”

These playful yet inspiring awards can spark students’ aspirations and ambitions.

#Hashtag Awards

Incorporate some modern flair with the #Hashtag Awards, featuring 16 editable certificates. Each certificate includes a category and a short description, making them perfect for today’s digital-savvy students. Examples include:

  • #EthicsChampion: For students who consistently uphold journalistic integrity.
  • #CommunityConnector: For those who excel in connecting with and reporting on the community.
  • #ImpactMaker: For students whose work has made a significant impact.

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71 Journalism Awards
End of the Year

How to Implement the Awards Ceremony

  • Plan Ahead: Decide on the categories and personalize the certificates in advance. Make sure to include a mix of serious and fun awards to cater to different aspects of journalism.

  • Create a Festive Atmosphere: Decorate your classroom or virtual space to make the ceremony feel special. Consider having a slideshow of students’ work throughout the year.

  • Invite Guests: If possible, invite parents, other teachers, or even local journalists to attend and celebrate your students’ achievements.

  • Present the Awards: During the ceremony, share a few words about each student’s contributions and why they are receiving the award. This personal touch can make the experience more meaningful.

  • Celebrate Together: After the awards, have a small celebration with snacks, music, or a video compilation of the year’s highlights.

Final Thoughts

Ending the school year with a personalized awards ceremony is a fantastic way to honor your journalism students’ hard work and dedication. By recognizing their individual contributions and achievements, you not only celebrate their successes but also inspire them to continue pursuing excellence in journalism. So, shake up your end-of-the-year celebrations with these fun, personalized journalism awards and make it a memorable event for everyone involved!

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